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WP: Add Support for Custom Logo in Theme

Published 26 Nov, 2022 Modified 26 Nov, 2022 Read in 0m 54s Viewed 1.384K times

Add support for custom logo image upload in Wordpress website using Wordpress built-in function.

Experience Based

Custom logo can be used in dynamic top navigation bars or other places within theme. Add a support for setting custom logo using WordPress built-in function from the backend.

Step 1: Add custom logo support using add_theme_support function in functions.php of child theme or parent or where needed.

add_theme_support( 'custom-logo');
  1. Go to the Admin Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Site Identity
  2. Set the logo image

There are two ways to print custom logo on frontend of website.

Method 1: With markup

Just use the_custom_logo() function to print logo image with img markup. No need of echo since it already echos the markup directly.

<?php the_custom_logo(); ?>

Method 2: Without markup, just get the source

If you have defined your custom logo image markup already, read ‘WP get custom logo image URL‘ guide. It’ll also help you to get the custom logo URL or source in different custom image sizes.