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Strange. Do you also see people dancing here and there?

Published 5 Nov, 2022 Modified 22 Nov, 2022 Read in 1m 10s Viewed 1.455K times

Many people are seeing random people dancing around streets, malls, mosques, shops, footpaths, and other places. Are they ghosts or aliens or who they're?

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Often seeing people dancing randomly in nooks and corners at malls, hospitals, mosques, rooftops, coffee shops, cafeterias, universities, footpaths, roads, rallies, and other places?

You’re not alone.

They’re working part-time and called as ‘Tiktokers’.

Please don’t hesitate to look at them. They’re doing a public act. Public can see them.

O. Nope. I mean they’re doing an act to earn public reputation but don’t like public to see them often or to hang around them closely.

Sorry. I mean they want you to follow their Tiktok account but, it doesn’t mean you should stare, laugh, or feel strange about them.

I think I’m clear now.

Anyhow. So. Tiktok pays literally nothing or almost nothing to beginners and even pro-tiktokers, however, you can earn money by connecting to brands, promoting their products/services, or by getting hired such as a model.

Many girls got hired as an artist and model after months of dancing. Many boys learnt to walk randomly after practicing it on Tiktok for several months.

Tiktok is real. People are real. It takes time to get into your real personality by dancing, laughing for no reason, cracking jokes, copying others, and hanging around.

If you’re planning to become a Tiktoker and you’ve have a serious, mature, and decent personality, please give yourself time to understand it will take very very and very long time to reach 1% equivalent of followers that Tiktoker stars have.
