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For Pakistanis: Still Effective Work from Home Ideas (No Tiktoking)

Published 5 Nov, 2022 Modified 22 Nov, 2022 Read in 2m 22s Viewed 1.036K times

It is you who can do it. Someone said: businesses don't fall if they run out of cash; they fall when founders run out of energy and believe in their efforts. Go through these work from home ideas, stay consistent, keep believing your efforts, and ignore criticism or lack of appreciation. It's a part of life - not everyone is designed to hold you on as you expect.

Experience Based

2023 is approaching and economy status is falling in Pakistan. We know it is truly hard time for many. In this hard time, we have some useful ideas that have proved to be helpful for most of our community members.

Sell homemade food

Foodpanda have seen a good response to homemade food sellers. Prepare a stage one, two, and so on list of food items that you can easily make. Reduce ingredients cost by analyzing: can you make multiple dishes from similar ingredients? It is just a sign up on Foodpanda, Cheetay, or on Facebook to start selling your items.

On-Demand Brand Identity Printing Solution

Printing equipment don’t take much space at home. Spare a room and set it up. Learn how to operate the equipment. Prepare a list of printing services such as business card, letterhead books, book covers, envelopes, invoice slips or shopping receipts, identity cards, or more. Do set the pricing and rates right away. Most visitors convert to customers when they know how much exactly they’re expected to spend.

Additionally, you can offer stamp making such as rubber stamps or plastic holders ones.

List your offerings on Google My Business, FB Marketplace, and Instagram. GMB is really helpful for local searches. Keep it posted and add clear & correct details about your each and every printing service.

Tutoring Quran, Programming, or other Subject

Either join the home tuition offering networks or sign up on Fiverr or Upwork. Build your Linkedin profile, add connections, keep it posted with your achievements, and share with parents or companies willing to hire you. Make sure you add subject-relevant achievements, posts, and other profile items. If you’ve sound grip on your subject, start with $25/hr and raise it to $100/hr+ over the time based on your expertise, time, and topic complexity.

Social Media Handler for Instagram, FB, & Youtuber

Many entrepreneurs, small businesses, and people working from home need their Instagrams, Facebook, and other social profiles managed. You can learn social media management skills via Youtube, practice on your own accounts, become a good beginning pro, set your service rates, and offer your services via GMB, Insta, FB, and Youtube.

Starting with your own circle really helps. You can offer them free services for a while to build your profile.

Explore sites like

We appreciate the idea behind SuperTasker. People post mini to big jobs on this platform.

Many people and businesses look for graphics designers, video & audio editors, UI/UX designers, web developers, advisors, tutors, and more.

Bid your service rate and scope of service i-e: what will you do and in what budget. The good thing about this site is its bidding transparency. You can see other bidders and their offerings. It is challenging and peace-driving at the same time. You know how to make your bid better than others. Right?