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Verify Company Registration Status of Any Country

Published 5 Nov, 2022 Modified 7 Nov, 2022 Read in 5m 44s Viewed 20.34K times

Checking the registration status of any company is highly important. There are several reasons to inquire if the company is real or fake. In this post, we’ve shared how to check if the company is real or fake. We’ll show you how to check any company registration status to know if the company is registered […]

Experience Based

Checking the registration status of any company is highly important. There are several reasons to inquire if the company is real or fake. In this post, we’ve shared how to check if the company is real or fake. We’ll show you how to check any company registration status to know if the company is registered or not.

Before we move forward, let me list the possible reasons why we need to know about the company’s real or fake status.

  1. Someone offered a job. You want to check if the company that is offering the job is verified or registered.
  2. You want to register your own company. Check if any company is already registered or in the registration process.
  3. You want to register a trademark and so, check it if some company is already using identical or very similar name.
  4. An organization or person asks for an investment in a business and you want to cross-check if they are real or not.
  5. You know that the company is registered but, you want to cross verify the office address matches the one on their official website and job location.
  6. You want to buy a service or product from some website or business page. You want to check if the company which is offering service is real or not.

Check Company is Real or Fake

In any country, there is a ministry that handles companies’ registration processes. All the registered companies are publicly listed on those ministry websites. You just have to type the name of the company and check its status. Similar is the case with trademarks.

Generally, in developing countries, there are many fake companies that offer jobs or ask for investment. They are either thieves or just don’t pay after getting the work done. It is important for you to check the company is registered or not before going to an interview or first meeting. 

In this section, we will guide you on how to check the registered companies of Pakistan, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. We’ll soon add other countries as well.

Registration Status of Pakistan Based Company

  1. Go to the SECP company name search website page.
  2. In the criteria option select: Name containing words.
  3. In the Registered, Companies field type the company name.
  4. Click the search icon or press enter.
  5. If the company is registered then, SECP will display its information. If not then, that company is not registered in Pakistan.

Follow this guide to search for registered trademarks in Pakistan’s trademark registry.

Registration Status of US, UK, Canada Based Companies & Others

Just to check if the company is registered or not, you can use following steps. But to check that company further details, you should look for the official website of that country/state to search business name.

  1. Go to website page.
  2. Select ‘Company Name Search’ in the first option.
  3. Type the name of starting name of company e-g Digital Setups
  4. Select the country where that company claimed to be registered.
  5. In some countries, business registration is handled within states or counties. So, select the county or state where required.
  6. Click Search or press enter.

If the company is registered in the selected country then, it will be displayed with the company number. If the company is in the registration process then, the only the name is displayed but no, the number is assigned.

Note down the company’s exact name and number and match it with the one they provided. To check for the official addresses, we’ll soon add the exact government websites to view company details.

If you are in a hurry then, Google like this: US [STATE-NAME] business name search e-g US Wyoming business name search. It will show you the official website of Wyoming state to search for business names. State or county name is required only for some countries.

Trademark Registration Status of US Based Company

  1. Go to US Patent & Trademark registration office website page.
  2. In the search, term field types the company trademark name.
  3. Leave all other fields and click the Submit query.
  4. If the trademark is registered then, details will be shown with the company name who registered that trademark or patent.

Scenarios in which you must check company is registered or not

We have already covered important reasons behind company registration status inquiry but, there are even more. The following are the scenarios in which you should always cross-check company details.

Someone or Some company offered a Job

On job posting websites, there are many companies offering several jobs. They usually have unclear information available. They claim to be an official company but, they have no proper website or business page where they have listed official addresses, company names, and related information.

In this case, you must inquire about the company name, and look for the registration status.

Some companies claim to be International or Multi-National companies

This is very common. There are many so-called multinational companies that offer jobs or investment opportunities. Before you go for an interview or make an investment, ask them the official address of their company, their website, and where the company is based.

Suppose they claim to be US-based companies and offering a job in Pakistan, India, or Bangladesh. In this case, they must be registered in the US at least. You should look for the company name in the US company name search.

If the company is international then, it must have a registered address in another country as well. The official website must list all the offices, connections, affiliations, and subsidiaries. So, if a US-Based company is offering a job in Pakistan then, they should match the official website address, main office, sub-offices in other countries, and jobs listed on websites.

Important Information Regarding any Company

Any registered business posses some quality and behavior attributes. They maintain the trust of their employees and customers by providing as much information as they can. Following are the basic things that any real or registered business will have:-

  1. They don’t mind providing details about their company.
  2. The job location matches the address on their website.
  3. They have all national and international office addresses listed on their official website.
  4. They have business pages on all major social networks with the same information.
  5. They must have listed the same jobs on their official website that they advertised outside the company website.
  6. They should have an active contact point. You can get their official email address (usually etc.) and ask if they have any business located in another country or not. If so then, what’s the address?
  7. They don’t communicate via free email services that is Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Rediff, or others.
  8. They do not hesitate, become angry, or ignore queries regarding business details.

Share this information with your friends and family as well to keep them safe as well.