Web Design & Development
Woo Express vs. Pressable WooCommerce Hosting
Quick comparison between Woo Express and Pressable WooCommerce Hosting.
Woo Express – How it works, Features, & Pricing
Powerful alternative to Shopify, Woo Express is backed by Wordpress.com and comes with handy eCommerce features for online stores.
eCommerce Business on Shopify vs. WordPress. Which is better?
Learn which factors to consider when taking a decision to choose Shopify or Wordpress for your dropshipping or other eCommerce business.
wp_list_users_args Hook – Explanation & Usage Example
Explanation of wp_list_users_args hook with code example.
Custom Rewrite Rules vs. REST Routes in WordPress
Understand the difference between Wordpress's custom rewrite rules and custom REST routes. No more confusion when to use rewrite rule or register a route in any WP website, web app, or mobile app.
WP: Add Support for Custom Logo in Theme
Add support for custom logo image upload in Wordpress website using Wordpress built-in function.
WP: Get Custom Logo Image URL for Built-in or Custom Sizes
Get Wordpress custom logo image URL or source for custom sizes.
TTFB: Time to First Byte – What it is, high TTFB causes, and fixes
In this guide, you'll learn about TTFB (Time to First Byte), major factors that contribute to high TTFB time, optimization opportunities, and its impact on traffic.
Block Editor: Pattern vs. Variation vs. Style vs. Transformation
Get a clear explanation of what is the difference between block pattern, block variation, block style, and block transformation in Wordpress Block Editor.
Block Editor: theme.json – Color Palette
Add brand color palette to your Wordpress theme via theme.json for brandy buttons, callouts, headers, and more.
Block Editor: theme.json – Generate Code for Patterns
Generate code for patterns registered via theme.json easily via 2 methods.
Block Editor: theme.json – Register Patterns
Register block patterns via theme.json easily. Make patterns of existing or registered block editor blocks and add them via global theme.json file.
Fixed Error: WordPress XML Declaration Allowed Only Start of Document
Is your sitemap or other XML file in Wordpress throwing XML declaration error? It's not WP error. Something happened on our files end. Lets get into that.
Fixed: WordPress wp-json 500 Server Error
Fix HTTP 500 Server errors for /wp-json/ or WP API requests on Wordpress on any shared hosting or cloud hosting.
File Manager for WordPress Site on Digital Ocean Droplet
Easy way to access Wordpress core directories and files from Digital Ocean's Wordpress Droplet.
Most Complete WordPress Ping Services List
WordPress, by default, adds only a single pinging service link under Writing Settings. We’ve accumulated all the major pinging services into one which you can copy paste. Whenever you post a new blog, post, or page, WordPress automatically ping your content to all listed ping services. Pinging your fresh content helps you to index your […]
Is it possible to change wp-config.php via functions.php or plugin?
Ideally, config.php shouldn’t be writeable by theme or plugin files to ensure WordPress security standards. However, there are certain cases when you might want to make changes to wp-config constants. Making wp-config writeable or changeable by other themes/plugin files is not recommended. Think of a case when you did hard work and ran your WordPress […]
Fix blank or white screen in WordPress
These instructions might help you to fix the blank or white screen in Wordpress (Edit post or New Post or other places) after or before updating WP core or plugins.