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Content Integrity

Published 4 Nov, 2022 Modified 7 Nov, 2022 Read in 1m 35s Viewed 803 times

At Digital Setups, you’ll come across content built by our editorial team as well as advertised or sponsored content. We prioritize your confidence and trust in us, therefore, we are working hard to build strong digital content integrity. To build that, we have established a strict set of editorial, advertising, and sharing standards. These standards […]

At Digital Setups, you’ll come across content built by our editorial team as well as advertised or sponsored content.

We prioritize your confidence and trust in us, therefore, we are working hard to build strong digital content integrity. To build that, we have established a strict set of editorial, advertising, and sharing standards. These standards define how we create, review, publish, share, and revise our content while maintaining your trust in our content.

Editorial Approach

Our approach to creating content, choosing information sources, vetting the content with expert reviews, revising information with updates, and sharing with care is driven by our editorial standards. Our editorial standards are meant to ensure authenticity, usefulness, trustworthiness, right accessibility, easy understanding, and contextual transparency of the content for our readers.

Advertising Approach

Based on our editorial approach, we do not want our users to come across unexpected ads, sale-driving statements, and unsafe content. To maintain your trust in our originality and commitment to help, we have set clear advertising standards. We differentiate the advertisements and provide clarity in sponsored posts. Since advertisements or sponsored content is a part of content delivered through our digital property, we approve ads that comply with ad content standards.

Source Selection Approach

We have a system built for our editorial team which helps them to choose from and differentiate between different source types. It’s important to research from the right source instead of relying on a vague, just-in, or random source of information.

In general, we select only authorized sources, however, there are cases when we select additional sources to provide clarity in content.

Communication & Language Approach

Communicating with an effective approach is as important as the information itself. We take strict care of our language throughout our editorial and advertising content. We prefer natural language while respecting all communities.