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Advertising Standards

Published 4 Nov, 2022 Modified 7 Nov, 2022 Read in 6m 10s Viewed 827 times

Digital Setups aims to provide precise and accurate information about a topic being published. Our articles are passed through a strict editorial process before publication and later for updates. We receive funds only by display advertising and a few sponsored posts or media. These funds help us to cover the cost of the technical presence […]

Digital Setups aims to provide precise and accurate information about a topic being published. Our articles are passed through a strict editorial process before publication and later for updates. We receive funds only by display advertising and a few sponsored posts or media. These funds help us to cover the cost of the technical presence of, the teams working on it, and the taxes. To make sure our content is not influenced by the 3rd party ads displayed within our content on any of our properties, we have enforced our ads policy as per the following sections.

We display ads only from the safe zone categories.

We do not show approval and display ads from magic, adult-specific and references to sex, sensationalism, sexual & reproductive health, significant skin exposure, social casino games, Video games (casual & online), weight loss, gambling & betting, alcohol, religion, drugs & supplements, get rich quick, dark web, astrology and esoteric, cosmetic procedures and body modification, dating, downloadable utilities, and crime categories.

There are additional categories for which we generally do not accept ads with an exception for very clear and appropriate contextual ads from adult fashion, psychology, and more.

Some examples of inappropriate ads are: –

  • Fashion ad where the human body is a significant percentage of the human body is visible
  • Fashion photos/media that may influence the culture negatively
  • Property ads where the project has not yet been completed but is marketed for capital gains
  • Ads coming from blacklisted companies or brands of all categories or from those about whom we have received a significant number of complaints

Our sales & quality assurance team strictly review ads and sponsored content.

We review all ads with a strict policy. Just because they are not from the restricted categories doesn’t mean they are not further reviewed. We review the ads concerning their impact on our reader’s life and community culture. Advertising shouldn’t be meant for just capital gains by displaying just anything. It must be appropriate technically, morally, and ethically.

Some examples of unaccepted ads – even though they were from generally accepted categories – are given below.

  • Animal cruelty: animal fighting for fun or betting, torturing animals for any cause, and similar
  • Intellectual Property Abuse: Ads that are reported or discovered with infringement of copyrights or counterfeit products.
  • Illegal: Ads that prompt illegal content
  • Dangerous or Derogatory Content: Ad content that promotes hate, offense, discrimination, harrases, bullies, suicide, anorexia, self-harm, threatening others, glorifying wrong, condoning wars and destruction, supporting terrorism, supporting trafficking organizations, exploiting others for any cause, and more
  • Misrepresentative Content: Ads that misstate or conceal information about us or other publishers and creators, false endorsements or affiliations; unreliable, harmful, and manipulated claims in politics, government, and the media sector, contradict the authoritative scientific consensus on climate change, and anti-vaccine advocacy; deceptive practices such as engagement with unclear pretenses, social engineering, phishing, get rich quick schemes, directing content on public matters which lack expertise, trust, and authenticity.
  • Promoting Dishonest Behavior: promoting lies, misleading others, shortcuts or blackhat techniques to get products, ranks, or something, illegal and unauthorized spying, bypassing copyrights, bypassing legal rights, and similar.
  • Malicious Software: promotion using a media that contains malicious software, program, code, file, or any other media with it; software with unclear instructions for complete usage; content that triggers downloads automatically, unnecessary redirections, and related.
  • Mail order brides: Ads that promote facilitation for international marriages, relationships, or romance. Generally, we do not accept ads for matrimonial and dating programs at all.
  • An adult theme in family-safe content: Content that is generally rated for the family but contains acts such as sex or other inappropriate activities even a bit of it. We normally do not accept ads having or promoting even a bit of sexual or similar activities. This limitation is not limited to the kids’ audience but also to all other ages. Private things should be done privately and respect must be given to the cultural norms, women, and ethics of living with each other and in the community.
  • Child Abuse of any form: Child sexual, work or labor, or in-school or institution abuse.
  • False Landing Pages: Ads that lead to inappropriate, deceptive, or illegal pages; bad inventory value pages such as thin content, cloaked content, doorway pages; too many promotions on the landing page; or landing pages that violate our ad policies. We check this for all of the sponsored content ads often even after approval.
  • No Privacy disclosures: All sponsored content publishers are required to explicitly explain their privacy policy on their website or source. You must disclose information for data collection, privacy protection measures, consequences of data tracking and submission, use of cookies, and more related to data protection acts. Furthermore, you must display a prominent link to the policy of 3rd party company from which or from which you might be promoting ads.
  • Setting False Cookies: Modifying, resetting, or setting cookies on our domains or Google’s domains.
  • Identifying Users: Collecting fingerprints, and unnecessary identity information such as maiden names or SSN was inappropriate, potentially unwanted, or unauthorized access to the user or visitor data, wrong use of data collected (location, geo, identity for billing) in an appropriate manner, and/or violation of EU user consent policy.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

Content covered by COPPA must be notified and presented in an appropriate manner.

We never endorse 3rd party services or products.

In online business, multiple types of business tools, products, and services can help. Our experts may recommend a product or service based on their personal experience or market popularity or public reviews. It doesn’t mean Digital Setups is endorsing the recommended product, agenda, service, or the associated business or brand. All the affiliated or 3rd party ads or sponsored content shown on our website comes through a strict review process, however, approval of 3rd party ads in any form doesn’t mean we endorse them. Our team tests and reviews the agenda and solutions presented to the readers before publication, however, the results may be different in your case. Please read the disclaimer.

We do our best to distinguish between editorial and advertising content shown on our website or other digital properties.

We display ads currently from the Google advertising network since they are clear with their ad policies and have truly enforced their ad policies. We publish sponsored posts or media only from credible and highly reputed brands and organizations who respect our user’s data; our ad & privacy policy; and have their own clearly defined privacy, ad, and content policy. Sponsored content is subject to abide by our editorial and ad policy before and after the approval. We have taken strong and clear steps to distinguish all 3rd party content and ads from our editorial content to avoid confusion. Under this policy, we make sure that ads are not obstructive or cover our editorial content, ads have significant spacing or distance from original content, and they are labeled with ‘Advertisement’ or ‘Sponsored Content’ or ‘Sponsored’ terms. All display ads have a greyish background that makes the ads different content from our editorial content.

Currently, we serve ads through Google advertising programs only, therefore, please read Google Advertising Policy as well.